
10 2020

Transformation Journey Workshop: Efsharut Has’lichah (TBE)

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Beth El via Zoom

Contact Melissa Osborne

Step 3: Repentance and Atonement
To repent is to feel remorse or self-reproach for the transgressions one has done or things one failed to do, to the point where one’s regret concerning past actions is strong enough to change one’s mind or point of view regarding those actions.

Step 4: Rejection of Repeated Sin
Repentance is considered to be efficacious only when people learn from their mistakes and refrain when confronted with an opportunity to do the same wrong deed again.

Join Cantor Niemi as we explore the liturgy of S’lichot, a service that introduces themes of repentance and forgiveness that are woven throughout the holiday season.

Please Register to recieive Zoom link >

Sponsor: Temple Beth El