The Chasm Between the Lived Realities of African-American and White Children in Wisconsin
According to recent data published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 70% of all children residing in Wisconsin are identified as white, while 9% of the state's children are identified as non-Hispanic Black. Yet Black children in Wisconsin face grave, disproportionate risks that include residing in families who live below the federal poverty level, experiencing high numbers of school suspensions and expulsions, not graduating high school on time, dying before reaching the age of 19, being sentenced to juvenile detention or residential correctional facilities, and being sentenced to prison.
Join Teri Dobbs, Professor of Music Education at UW-Madison, as she presents recent data from the Civil Rights Data Collection, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and other sources to begin a conversation on how systemic racism structures life very differently for African-American children in majority-white Wisconsin.
Teryl L. Dobbs is professor and chair of music education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mead Witter School of Music. She affiliates with the Mosse/Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies, Disability Studies Initiative, Division of the Arts, and Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA). Dobbs’ scholarly interests focus on the musical experience via trauma and violence, transformative thinking, and just action through critical interrogations of constructions of equity, inclusion, empathy, and care.
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