
21 2013

Vashti's Den (BIC)

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Beth Israel Center (Conservative) 1406 Mound Street
Madison, WI 53711
256-7763 office@bethisraelcenter.org

Contact Beth Copelovitch

Celebrate Purim with women from the Madison Jewish community. Come hear the tale of Vashti, the woman who “Just said no” to the King!  Join us from 7 to 9pm on Thursday, February 21, at Beth Israel Center for wine, “Vashtinis," and Middle Eastern nosh and desserts. Cost is $18; RSVP to education@bethisraelcenter.org or 256-7763 by February 14. Your check confirms your reservation (BIC members may be billed).  Brought to you by the BIC Adult Education Program.