
29 2015

Violence On The Streets Of Jerusalem (TBE, JFM)

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Drive
In The Sanctuary
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 238-3123

Speaker: Daniel Gill, Jewish Federation of Madison Shaliach
Presented by Temple Beth El Kesher Israel Committee

For the past several weeks we have turned on our TV’s to see and hear about the daily knifings of innocent Jewish victims by Palestinian and Arab citizens. And we see and hear of attacks and counter attacks by Israeli police. Questions arise as to what lead to this situation and how it is being handled in Israel.

Daniel Gill, our current shaliach (emissary from Israel), will speak to these questions. Daniel will give his interpretation of current events. He will discuss the history of violence connected to the Temple Mount and the holiness of the Temple Mount for Arabs as well as Jews.

Daniel and his wife Shirly arrived in Madison on August 9th of this year. Daniel is working with the Jewish Federation of Madison, relating to all Madison’s diverse Jewish branches. Shirly, our shlicha (female for emissary) is adding her talents to Hillel. They are both sabra (born and raised in Israel). They were married two and a half years ago and have been living in a small apartment in Jerusalem.

For the past five years Daniel has been studying and working as a tour guide in the city of Jerusalem. During his military service he was located in the West Bank as a Squad Commander, with ten soldiers under his command. His responsibilities included covering check points and arresting terrorists and their accomplices.

Doors to the event will open at 6:45 pm.

While this talk is free to the Jewish community, an RSVP would be appreciated.

RSVP To: Joanna Berke: jbee199914@aol.com, Janelle Bentley: janellebentley2@gmail.com.