
4 2018

Clean-Up Day at the Goodman Jewish Community Campus (JFM)

10:00AM - 5:00PM  

Irwin A. & Robert D. Goodman Jewish Community Campus 7762 County Route PD
Verona, WI 53593

Contact Ellen Weismer

Join the Jewish Federation of Madison and United Way of Dane County for a volunteer clean-up day at the Goodman Jewish Community Campus (home of Camp Shalom and the Goodman Aquatic Center) in Verona and help get the campus ready for the summer season.

Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be available.

Volunteer projects will include: garden clean-up, weed removal, brush clearing, painting picnic tables and more

Please dress for a mess, bring gardening gloves and shovels if possible.

To Sign Up
Register Online >
or by Email >

Questions? Contact Ellen Weismer at shalomdirector@jewishmadison.org