Pheasant Branch is a great place witness fall colors and flocks of birds passing through on migration.
Join us for either an easy stroll or a hike to the top of the hill overlooking the reserve. Both walks will end at the Pheasant Branch’s Sacred Springs (boils). Watch hundreds of swirling boils where 1,100 gallons of water bubble up through the soil every minute creating the Pheasant Branch springs that flow through the marsh, the reserve and finally into Lake Mendota.
Everyone welcome
Please RSVP so we know to expect you
Call: (608) 770-6521
Check Facebook:
From entrance to Middleton Hills (coming from Century Ave.)
Take the 1st right onto Pheasant Branch Rd.
Park at third Pheasant Branch Conservancy parking lot on your right. We’ll meet there.
Sponsor: Madison Hadassah