
16 2014

Why Jewish Prayer Class (BIC)

9:20AM - 10:30AM  

Beth Israel Center 126 S. Hamilton St.
Madison, WI

Contact Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon

Why Jewish Prayer Class with Rabbi Ben-Gideon

Jewish prayer is beautiful and at times challenging. It can be difficult without help to know what to do and to come to an understanding of what each prayer means. Please join Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon for a series of Sunday morning discussions about prayer. Class topics will include the Amidah, the Kedusha, Tallit and Tefillin, Conceptions of God that I Can Pray About, How/Meaning of an Aliyah to the Torah, Leading Tefila at Home, and more.

Class will meet at BIC-Downtown (126 S. Hamilton St.) on Nov. 2, 16 and 23 and at the newly renovated Beth Israel Center (1406 Mound St) on December 7 and 14.