
12 2013


14 2013

Yonim Israeli Folk Dance Sharsheret Dance Camp

5:00PM - 6:00PM  

B'nai B'rith Beber Camp, Mukwanago, WI W 1741 Highway J
Mukwonago, WI
262-363-6800 info@bebercamp.com

Contact Dana Prager

For boys and girls in grades 5-12. Registration includes Kosher meals and snacks, lodging, t-shirt, dance workshops with guest choreographer Li Chiao-Ping.  Camp begins Friday April 12 at 5:30pm and ends Sunday April 14 at noon.
Also included is a rehearsal on Sunday April 21, 4-5:30pm at Beth Israel Center AND a performance on Sunday May 5 at 2pm at the Edgewood College Auditorium!
Cost: $190