With great sadness, we write to inform you of the death on August 5 of Lois Frank, mother of Ziva (Jim) Wear and Tina (Richard) Pearson, sister of Shelley (Thomas, z"l) Davey and Allan (Susan) Druch, sister-in-law of Frances (Franklin, z"l) Mann, and grandmother of Peter Wear (Nicole Brimmer), Daniel Wear; Chayah, Mayer, Zev, Raizl, and Gittel Halikman; and Miriam (Yaakov) Salowitz. She was preceded in death by her husband, Al Frank, z"l.
She was 82. See Obituary >
The burial will be at 11:00 Friday morning. Only a very limited number of people may attend in person, and they have been invited by the family. The funeral will also be online, via Zoom. Email office@bethisraelcenter.org for Zoom link.
Ziva and Jim Wear will receive scheduled shiva calls on their porch on Friday afternoon, over the weekend, and on Monday. If you would like to visit in person, please call or text Ziva to arrange a time. If you do not have Ziva's phone number, email office@bethisraelcenter.org and we'll help you connect.
Shiva will continue during these BIC online minyanim via Zoom:
- Friday evening, 5:45 pm, August 7
- Sunday morning, 8:00 am, August 9
- Monday morning, 8:00 am, August 10
- Monday evening, 5:45 pm, August 10
Contact office@bethisraelcenter.org for Shiva Zoom links and more information.
May Lois's memory be for a blessing.