Melvin Stahl

With great sadness, we write to inform you that Melvin Stahl, father of Debbie Stahl, died early this morning.

The funeral will take place at Natural Path Sanctuary (Farley Center), 2299 Spring Rose Rd, in Verona on Wednesday, December 11 at 2:00 pm. Due to the frigid weather, there will be a brief burial followed by the funeral service in the community room of the Farley Center. All are welcome to stay for refreshments afterwards.

There will be a shiva gathering at 6:00 pm at the home of Debbie Stahl and Richard Auerbach, in Middleton (contact for address) on Thursday, December 12. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share.

Everyone is welcome to join them for Shabbat dinner at their home on Friday evening, December 13, at 6:00 pm. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share.

Shmirah for Mel (taking turns sitting with his body from the time of death until burial) is being done through Wednesday afternoon. If you are able, please sign up here to take a 2-hour shift.

May Mel's memory be for a blessing, and may Debbie, Richard, Sophie, and Adam be comforted at this time.