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Thank you to our generous advertisers and sponsors whose commitment provided crucial financial support to the Madison Jewish News over the years.


We are no longer publishing the Madison Jewish News after the February 2020 issue. We are in the process of developing alternative opportunities for advertising and sponsorship on both our digital and direct mail channels. Please contact Anne Shlimovitz, Director of Communications, at for more information.



Celebrating the Madison Jewish News
the end of an era and the beginning of a new future

FOR 50 YEARS, the Madison Jewish News has been a vital resource bringing our community’s news into households free of charge throughout South Central Wisconsin. This beloved periodical initially called the Monthly Reporter, has kept people connected to the Jewish Federation of Madison and the broader Jewish community in Madison since 1969. The paper has shared our community’s simchas and condolences, upcoming events, program highlights, photos, and news of interest. So, it is only after significant discussion and consideration that we decided to discontinue publishing the paper in its current format after the February issue and shift our communication efforts differently. Read More >