

All Midrasha students are expected to attend all classes. Study for tests and exams in public school, sports or other extracurricular activities do not qualify for excused absences. Midrasha does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences. Students must attend two-thirds of their classes in order to receive credit. If you know you will be absent, please email Maddy Friedman, Midrasha Director, at midrasha@jewishmadison.org prior to the start of class.


Snow Days

If classes are canceled due to inclement weather, an email will go to students and parents at least two hours prior to the start of class announcing the cancellation. If no communication is issued, classes will be taking place as scheduled. You should always use discretion when determining whether it is safe to travel.



Midrasha follows the rules of Kashrut according the congregation where they are being hosted. Students may purchase Kosher snacks during Wednesday hafsakah including: popcorn, pretzels, candy, soda, and cookies and eat their snack purchases only during the breaks and only in the designated areas; no food will be allowed in the classrooms. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.



Once students arrive at Midrasha, they are expected to remain in the building until Midrasha has ended unless parents have requested in writing to the Director that we excuse them early. Students are not permitted to leave the building without permission from the Director at anytime Midrasha is in session - including breaks. Any student found outside of the building during class or break time will be suspended from school for the rest of the evening and a phone call will be made home. A second offense will result in suspension from the school for the rest of the semester and loss of credit.


All Midrasha students are expected to abstain from the use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, and controlled substances, or their buying, dispensing or selling on the Midrasha premises or grounds. A student who uses or possesses alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances at Midrasha or at a co-sponsored or extra-curricular activity will be suspended from Midrasha classes for the rest of the semester and lose credit.


Midrasha students are expected to be positive participants in their courses. If behavioral issues should arise, the following procedures will take place in successive order:

1) The teacher will talk with the student.

2) The Director will talk with the student.

3) The parents will be notified. Progress reports may also be sent home throughout the semester.

Email Maddy Friedman, Midrasha Director at midrasha@jewishmadison.org