Looking Back At A Few Of The Year's Highlights...
- 222 people attended the Jewish Federation of Madison's Diamond Anniversary Gala to celebrate 75 years since our founding
- 180 Camp Shalom Scholarships were awarded to campers who would otherwise have been unable to attend camp
- Gan HaYeled Preschool made over 250 challahs to share with Schmooze and Tunes families, enjoy during school wide Shabbat celebrations, and send home with preschool families for Shabbat
- The Jewish Federation of Madison worked with the Madison Metropolitan School District to adopt policy 4039 in regard to accommodations for religious holidays
- Our Community Outreach Coordinator met with 60 families who were new to Madison, recently had a baby, or wanted to learn more about the Jewish community
- $27,500 was distributed by the Innovation Panel to fund creative and innovative programs in our community
- We said farewell to our Community Shlichim, Racheli and Mickey, after 2 years and hello to Daniel and Shirly
- The One Happy Camper program helped send 20 children to Jewish resident camps for the first time
- 17 Midrasha Hebrew High School graduates received Midrasha Incentive Awards to help them further their Jewish education post-high school
- Partnership2Gether brought over 10 Israeli runners from our partner region, Sovev Kinneret, to join Madison runners as part of the Run2Gether team in the Madison Marathon
- 733 campers attended Camp Shalom and 221 campers attended Camp Shalom Noar Bogrim
- The Jewish Federation of Madison formed its first community coed kickball team, the Matzah Balls, who later this year morphed into a dodgeball team
- We celebrated together at the Community Purim Carnival, Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Hava Nagila Picnic, and Hanukkah Mitzvahthon
Thank you for all your support during 2015 to build a strong and unified community! We look forward to our continued work together in 2016 to ensure the survival, well-being, and continuity of the Jewish people locally, in Israel, and throughout the world.
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