Mazel Tov to Gan HaYeled Preschool for being selected by the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health to be part of Cohort 18 of the Wisconsin Pyramid Model Implementation sites! The Gan HaYeled Pyramid Model Team spent 2 days recently in Marshfield, WI, at the Pyramid Model Team Launch Conference. The Gan HaYeled Team (pictured on this page) consists of Gan HaYeled Director - Marla Becker, Jewish Federation of Madison Executive Director - Alan Klugman, Gan HaYeled Teacher - Carrie Sweet, Gan HaYeled Parent - Jen Abplanalp, 4-C's Early Childhood Trainer - Lisa Jones, and Mount Horeb Counseling - Kayla Daniels.
The Pyramid Model is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children's healthy social and emotional development. The Gan HaYeled Team will guide the preschool's implementation process to provide universal supports to all children and their families to promote wellness, targeted services to those who need more support, and intensive services to those who need them.