We are alarmed by the disturbing display of anti-Semitism by a group of Baraboo High School students. Though the incident apparently took place last May, it reflects a rising swell of anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry. We are particularly concerned with the prevalence of bigotry within schools; more than 25 percent of all the recorded anti-Semitic incidents in Wisconsin last year took place among students or on campus. We have witnessed numerous egregious incidents targeting African Americans, Latinos, and other minority groups.
We look forward to working with Baraboo school district to prevent any future such incidents. As we know, acts of hate begin with hateful expressions. Such expressions must be a call to action for schools and families to educate youth to respect diversity and to embrace difference. The values that will hold us together must be taught and reinforced, lest we see the continued rise of hate and its consequences.
Jewish Federation of Madison
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Wisconsin Jewish Conference
ADL Midwest
Co-Signers (list in formation)
Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah, Rabbi Wes Kalmar
Congregation Emanu El B’ne Jeshurun Social Action Committee
Congregation Emanu-El of Waukesha, Spiritual Leader, Cantor Deborah Martin
Congregation Shaarei Shamayim
Congregation Shalom
Congregation Sinai
Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA, The Rev. Paul D. Erickson, Bishop
Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee
Just Be Hope United Methodist Center, Rev. Deborah Thompson
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) of Wisconsin
Lutheran Office For Public Policy In Wisconsin
MA'RUF -- Aamer Ahmed, President
Masjid Al Qur’an Milwaukee, Hafiz Muhammad Shafique
Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, Rev. Tory V. Topjian, Senior Pastor
Milwaukee Zen Center, Rev. Tonen O’Connor, Resident Priest Emerita
Milwaukee Islamic Dawah Center
Sikh Religious Society of Wisconsin
Social Development Commission (SDC)
The Spark Wisconsin, Rabbi Moishe Steigmann
Temple Menorah
Wisconsin Conference, United Church of Christ, Rev. Franz Rigert, Conference Minister
Underwood Memorial Baptist Church, Rev. Kate Fields, Pastor
United Center in Milwaukee, Rev. Mari Gabrielson, Minister
University of Wisconsin Hillel Foundation
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Mark A. Mone, PhD, Chancellor
Wisconsin Catholic Conference
Wisconsin Council of Churches, Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director
Wisconsin Council of Rabbis
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, Rabbi Bonnie Margolis
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
Rabbi Steve Adams
Rabbi Joel Alter
Rabbi Mordechai Cohen, Director of Religious Programming, Park Plaza Retirement Center, Chicago
Rev. Joseph Ellwanger, Assisting Minister, Hephatha Lutheran Church
Rabbi Dena Feingold, Beth Hillel Temple, Kenosha, WI
Rev. Dr. Steven Hecky, United Church of Christ - Wisconsin
Rabbi Rachel Kaplan Marks
Rev. Erik Koepnick
Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church West, Brookfield
Tim McMurtry II, Associate Pastor, World Outreach Center and State Director, Christians United for Israel - Wisconsin
Rt. Rev. Steven Andrew Miller, The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
Rabbi Paul (Simcha) Prombaum
Rev. David Simmons, OvJN, Rector, St. Matthias' Episcopal Church
See most up to date co-signer list on Facebook >
In the News
Channel 3000/News 3: 'A rising swell of anti-Semitism:' Religious leaders react to controversial Baraboo photo