UPDATE 6/29: Our heater is fixed!
Checking In, Exiting, Canceling, Upcoming July Schedule, and Heater Repair Announcements
(below is information shared via email last week and today with members)
We enjoyed seeing so many people this past Sunday! It ended up being a beautiful day despite the initial weather prediction.
Below are some "housekeeping" guidelines we wanted to share with you now that we are up and running and given that things are a bit different this summer than past ones, as well as an update on the swim schedule and heater repair.
When you arrive at the pool for your swim session, please be sure to stop at the front window and check in with a staff member. You do not need any type of identification, just provide your name. We will have a list of everyone that has signed up for each session.
If you will not be attending a session, please email the pool or call and leave a voicemail message with the date, time, and members' names who are signed up that you are canceling. We will then either cancel your session online or document on our paper list that you have canceled.
At the end of each swim session, we will open up the emergency gate at the front of the pool (next to where you check in) for people to leave through. We ask that at the end of each session, you do not exit through the locker room so that we may begin cleaning them for the next session.
Also, we are adjusting our open swim and lap swim session times on the weekdays beginning the week of July 12 to the schedule listed below. There will be no change to the weekend schedule.
• Lap Swim: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (T, TH) & 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (M, W, F)
• Open Swim: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm (M, W, F) & 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm (T, TH)
Swim sessions for July 1 through July 11 were added to the ACTIVE system registration on Friday, June 25, and are available for sign-up online. Once the changes to lap swim and open swim mentioned above are updated in ACTIVE, additional July dates will be opened.
Our pool company is sending out a technician this week, Wednesday, June 30, to work on the heater. Last week when the technician came out, he ended up working on/installing a different piece of equipment (which was also needed) unrelated to the heater, then ran out of time to work on the heater (it was 7 pm by the time he left). So, this Wednesday, either the heater should be fixed, or we will know what is wrong with it so we can create a plan of action necessary for getting it fixed. We will let you know more later this week. Until then, we are hoping for some sunshine and warmer weather to help us out!
Looking forward to seeing more of you soon! Happy to have met so many new faces so far!
Goodman Aquatic Center Staff