The Jewish Federation of Madison is thrilled to announce that Marni Ginsberg has joined our staff team in the position of Director of Engagement and Leadership!
A note of introduction from Marni:
Shalom! My name is Marni Ginsberg, and I am excited to be joining the Jewish Federation staff as the Director of Engagement and Leadership. I live in Middleton with my husband and two kids, ages 6 and 1. I grew up in Madison, where the Jewish community was an important part of my life. I was involved in religious school, youth group, Midrasha, and Camp Shalom, as a camper and then a counselor at both Camp Shalom and Noar. It was fun to see my daughter continue the tradition last summer as a new camper. I earned my undergraduate degree in Psychology and Foreign Studies and Intercultural Communication from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities and my graduate degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. I have worked as an occupational therapist with children and adults with disabilities for the past ten years. Professionally, I also served as co-president of the Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Association Board. In my free time, I love being with my family and friends, spending time outdoors, teaching fitness classes, and volunteering. I am passionate about bringing people together and Tikkun Olam. I am looking forward to connecting with the community and helping to develop new opportunities for people to get involved in Jewish life in Madison.
The director of engagement and leadership role is a new position created as a result of our recent organizational strategic planning process. This position will lead the development of strategies that expand the “points of entry” for members of the Madison Jewish community to the Jewish Federation, including engaging, nurturing, and mentoring new board members and young adults with lay leadership potential.
Adult Programming at Jewish Federation of Madison
Complete the survey to share your input
We're looking to expand our programming for adults 55+ in the Madison area. We would love your input on activities and your level of interest. Please help us by taking a few minutes to fill out this survey >