The Madison Jewish Community Stands with Israel

When collective action is needed, Jewish Federation is there. Am Yisrael Chai.

How Can You Help?

Donate to the Emergency Campaign to Support Israeli Victims of Terror

As communities around the world processed the worst atrocities in modern Jewish history, they knew they could count on the Jewish Federation system. Thanks to our powerful network across North America, global reach, and vetting process that allows us to get dollars where they are needed most, Jewish Federations were there, ready to respond and make an impact. Please consider a one-time gift. 100% of the funds raised go directly to the emergency.

Where the money from the emergency campaign is going

Jewish Federation of Madison's support through our Annual Tzedakah Campaign makes it possible for our core partners, The Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), and World ORT to respond immediately when emergencies like this take place. Our emergency fund is directing additional resources for this critical moment.

As of 5/10/24, Jewish Federations have collectively raised over $832M and allocated over $433M to a wide range of humanitarian organizations and NGOs providing emergency relief and support in Israel within four strategic pillars:
1. Lifeline Services
2. Medical and Trauma Relief
3. Economic Relief and Recovery
4. Community Resilience and Rebuilding
See Latest Allocations & Organizations >

Impact Report 2023: Your Dollars At Work. Read the Report >

Wear Your #BlueRibbonsforIsrael

#BlueRibbonsforIsrael is a unity campaign in support of the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists in Israel launched by Jewish Federations of North America and 50 partner organizations. It symbolizes solidarity with the hostages, their families, and all who care about their safety. Are you wearing your ribbon? To pick one up, join us at upcoming Jewish Federation of Madison events or check with your affiliated local synagogue or Jewish organization.
Learn More about the campaign, become a partner, and order ribbons >

Send A Message of Support to Israelis

Write to Lone Soldiers
Send a personal message of gratitude to an IDF Lone Soldier currently serving in the IDF. You can upload a photo or even a video! All messages are sent directly to Lone Soldiers through The Lone Soldier Project™ of The Israel Forever Foundation. See Details >

Send Messages of Support to Israelis
Jewish Federations of North America and Birthright Israel Foundation are collecting messages of hope, love and encouragement for our brothers and sisters on the frontlines. Now, more than ever, our friends and family in Israel need your support. See Details >

Shmira Project
Get matched with IDF soldiers fighting terrorism, the wounded and Israelis in danger, to pray and do good deeds in their merit. See Details >

Volunteers from Overseas

The people of Israel are currently experiencing a terrible reality, filled with unbearable tragedy and uncertainty. We know that the hearts of our friends in North America are filled with hurt and worry, and we know you are eager to step up and assist, because that is what we do at Jewish Federations.

Jewish Federations has compiled a list of volunteer opportunities to help fill critical gaps that includes a wide variety of general options to assist with agricultural, food, and home rebuilding needs, as well as medical and mental health professionals.
See Details >

Contact Your Elected Officials

Urge Elected Officials to Stand With Israel
Please urge your elected officials at the federal, state, and local level to speak out and make a clear and unequivocal statement in support for our ally Israel and its right to defend itself. You can also sign this action alert to thank your elected officials for their support.  
See Details & Take Action >

Jews of Color Take Action: Support Jewish Communal Security in the Supplemental Budget
Please urge your federal elected officials to take action to support Jews of Color in the U.S. and Israel by passing the Supplemental Budget Request and supporting $14.3 Billion in Emergency Assistance to Israel, Increased Funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), and $61.4 Billion in Emergency Assistance to Ukraine.
See Details & Take Action >

Lend Your Home In Israel

My Home Is Your Home
The World Zionist Organization (WZO) has launched a campaign whereby non-Israelis who own homes in Israel can allow those properties to be used by victims who have lost their residences, as well as families evacuated from the south. The WZO will take responsibility to ensure that the properties are returned to their owners in the condition in which they were given.
See Details & Register >

March for Israel in Washington, D.C. Recap

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Location: National Mall
Over 290,000 people attended and 250,000 watched online, making this event the largest Jewish gathering in US history.
See Recap & Livestream Recording >

Resources for Support

Resources for Kids and Families

As parents, educators, and caregivers, we are all still processing the horrific attack on Israel ourselves, yet we also need to be present for our children so that we can answer the questions they’re likely to have about the ongoing tragedy. Below are a few resources from experts to support anyone having these challenging conversations with kids and help advise us on having meaningful, age-appropriate discussions around this awful situation.

How to Talk to Kids About What's Happening in Israel Right Now

The Jewish Education Project
How to Talk to Children About Israel Today (recorded webinar)

Talking to Teens About Operation Iron Swords (recorded webinar)

Resource Hub for Teaching About Israel In Crisis

Unpacked For Educators
Unpacking the war with your students: Helping your students process what's going on in Israel

Resource Hub for Unpacking Israel At War and Hamas and Gaza

PJ Library
About the Map of Israel

How to Talk to Your Kids About Scary Situations

How to Talk to Children About Antisemitism

Mental Health Professionals
Jenna Shapiro, Ph.D.,  Pediatric Psychologist, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
How to Support Children with Israel and Operation Swords of Iron

Support and tools to respond to the growing mental health concerns of young people aged 12 to 26, and resources for parents, caregivers, and Jewish professionals.

Social Media Safety (10/11/23)
It is currently recommended that children's access to any social media content with video or short form video be restricted for the time being. As we're sure many of you have also experienced the last few days, social media feeds are being saturated with reposts and live videos taken by terrorists committing heinous acts against women, children, and civilians. There is a real risk that you or your children may unintentionally see something that could be harmful to your psychological well-being. Please take care.

CNBC | October 12, 2023
Israeli and Jewish schools reportedly urge parents to tell their kids to delete Instagram and TikTok to avoid disturbing images of hostages

Get Support

Support for Community Members
If you would like a space to process please contact Jewish Social Services (JSS), (608) 442-4081 or and someone will get back to you.

Support on Campus
Students on the UW-Madison campus in need of support can contact UW Hillel at (608) 256-8361, or visit UW Hillel resource webpage or contact Chabad at UW at (608) 257-1757 or email.

Connecting with Relatives in Israel
If you need assistance locating or connecting with relatives in Israel, please contact Jewish Federation of Madison's executive director Alan Klugman at (608) 442-4070 or or office manager Kaite Batina at (608) 442-4061 or

Stay Informed

On October 7, 2023, during the holidays of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from Gaza, firing thousands of rockets, breaching the country’s borders, infiltrating Israeli communities, killing and wounding Israelis, and taking civilians hostage. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened the cabinet to declare that Israel was at war to defend itself.

Updates: Webinars, News, Info Sources

Updates on the War in Israel, Mondays, 7 PM, Zoom
Jewish Federation of Madison executive director, Alan Klugman, will share an update with our Madison community on Zoom, providing the latest information from briefings with Jewish Federations of North America leadership earlier in the day.
To Register >

Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) Analysis, Sunday-Thursday, 10 AM, Zoom
The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) is providing daily in-depth and inside analysis, sponsored by Jewish Federations and the Jewish Agency. A rotating team of top analysts of Israeli military affairs, the US-Israel relationship, Israel’s political system and the country’s diverse society. Join here.

News Sources
Times of Israel

Information Sources
The 10/7 Project is led by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. The 10/7 Project is designed to promote continued U.S. bipartisan support for Israel by working to ensure more complete and accurate information about the Israel-Hamas war in real time for policymakers and the American public.
Subscribe to the daily newsletter >

INSS (The Institute for National Security Studies)
The Data Analytics Desk at the INSS provides accurate and updated data during the Swords of Iron War, covering information on the Israeli internal front, the Gazan and Northern fronts, the West Bank, and the international arena.

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center: Details about the home front and military operations  in The Iron Swords War in the south of Israel.

Unpacked for Educators:  Understanding the present depends on a deep understanding of the past. Videos, podcast, and articles for unpacking the War in Israel, Hamas and Gaza, and more.

Message of Support from Local, State & National Leaders

University of Wisconsin-Madison News | October 11, 2023
A message from Chancellor Mnookin on the tragic events in Israel and the Palestinian Territories

The Wisconsin State Assembly voted 95-0 on October 12 to pass Assembly Joint Resolution 82, condemning Hamas' barbaric attack against Israel. 

The Senate voted 32-0 on October 17 to pass Assembly Joint Resolution 82, condemning Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Unity in Crisis: Emergency Leadership Mission for Israel | October 17, 2023
Leaders from across the Jewish community gathered to advocate with and hear from Congressional and Administration leadership. Speakers included Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, as well as a survivor of the massacre at the Nova Music Festival. Watch Video >

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