
Goodman Aquatic Center Update 7/2

The letter below was sent to members via email about weekday parking, registration, and check-in.

Good morning everyone!
It feels like it might finally be summer at GAC!!! It has been so great to see soooo many people. Looking forward to getting to know everyone by name...the one nice thing…

Goodman Aquatic Center Update 6/28

UPDATE 6/29: Our heater is fixed!

Checking In, Exiting, Canceling, Upcoming July Schedule, and Heater Repair Announcements
(below is information shared via email last week and today with members)

We enjoyed seeing so many people this past Sunday! It ended up being a beautiful day despite t…

Update 6/21: The Pool Will Be Open Tuesday, June 22

Below is a letter sent via email to members today. Please make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you don't see the email in your inbox.

Hello Everyone!

Finally, the email I have been waiting to send! We will be opening for the 2021 season tomorrow, Tuesday, June 22. Thank you to every…

UPDATE 6/18: The Pool Will Not Be Open This Weekend

Below is a letter sent via email to members this morning explaining the current situation with the pool repairs and delayed opening.

Good morning everyone,
We apologize that this update did not go out Thursday night as originally intended. We were waiting and hoping that Friday morning woul…

How Does Midrasha Create Connections? Hear Emma's Story

2020 graduate, Emma Nathanson, shares how Midrasha Hebrew High School personally impacted her and how she used her Laurence A. Weinstein Midrasha Incentive Award.

My name is Emma Nathanson, and I was one of the 2020 recipients of the very generous Laurence A. Weinstein Midrasha Incentive Aw…