From Our Rabbis

Celebrating the High Holidays in Difficult Times

By Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman

On two Sundays in August, one by one and at thirty-minute intervals, members of Shaarei Shamayim entered our building to chant their Torah portions for the High Holidays. Our videographer recorded each of them so we could play the recordings at our virtual High Hol…

A Year Of Light

By Rabbi Yona Matusof

As we approach the new year, we are in the midst of an unprecedented dilemma that evokes many thoughts and emotions that are truly unique to our lives' experience. Most of our world is living with a sense of fear, uncertainty, emotional stress, economic challenges, and…

Save the Census!

By Rabbi Bonnie Margulis 

In Numbers 1:2, God instructs Moses “take a census of the whole community, every family according to its ancestral household, listing every single name…” The whole community was to be counted. Not just one sector. Not just one tribe. The whole community. And…

Seeking Consolation

By Rabbi Andrea Steinberger

I am sitting at my computer on a Zoom call with a colleague, who is a rabbi at another Hillel. He is sharing that his mother-in-law has died. He has led the funeral, and they have finished the seven days of shiva. It has been the hardest experience of his life. I…

Antisemitism is Bullying

By Rabbi Mendel Matusof

Antisemitism keeps rearing its ugly head in one form or another. As a campus rabbi, it is one of the most pressing issues concerning young Jews today. I would like to suggest that we, as a Jewish community, approach antisemitism as we would any form of bullying in ou…