From Our Rabbis

Tisha B’Av: The Spiritual Starting Line

By Rabbi Renée Bauer

Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the month of Av, begins this Wednesday evening, July 29. It is considered the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, because tradition holds that the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this day, along with many other tra…

Study Them All - One Mitzvah at a Time

Rabbi Avremel Matusof

This week I attended a COVID-era Brit Milah. You'd think that being limited to having just the family and mohel in attendance would dampen the celebration. Not so. Dozens of friends and family participated via Zoom, and the celebratory ambiance and emotion in the room …

Embracing a Jewish Educational Vision During a Pandemic

By Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman

On the opening day of NewCAJE’s summer conference – Reimagining Jewish Education for the 21st Century – Rabbi Laurie spoke on a panel with Professor Jeffrey Kress from the Jewish Theological Seminary entitled the “Summit on the Future of Jewish Education. 

An Un'taneh Tokef for Our Times

By Rabbi Jonathan Biatch

Un'taneh Tokef is liturgy from the High Holy Days, depicting the Jewish theological concept that we can have an influence for good over the fate that God selects for us based upon our behavior. I offer us this original version of an Un'taneh Tokef prayer, albeit in …

From Fear to Art: Painting the Canvas of Our Lives with Divine Goodness

By Rabbi Betsy Forester

We are now one week into the month of Tammuz, a month mystically known for its connections both to strong emotion and to insight. Since the year of the destruction of the 2nd Temple, we now find ourselves in the middle of the first phase of internal reflection leadin…