From Our Rabbis

Humility at a Time of the Coronavirus

By Rabbi Jonathan Biatch

The other morning, I bought coffee at a local store owned by a Muslim friend of mine, and while schmoozing with him – if that is what Muslims and Jews do together – another member of his mosque entered his small franchise and the three of us – mindful, of cour…

Bringing Redemption

By Rabbi Betsy Forester

As I write, the Shabbat prior to Passover, known as “The Great Shabbat,” calls us to cease the routines of our quarantined lives and re-orient to a more soulful way of life. I would like to offer an inspiration based in the Torah portion we would have read if …

Advice on Uplifting Community, Personal Prayer & Embracing Uncertainty

By Rabbi Yona Matusof 

We are collectively facing the greatest challenge of our lifetime. A microbe, invisible to the naked eye, is bringing humanity to its knees. For all our advances in science and technology, this is a humbling moment for humanity. We have succeeded in landing on the mo…

Community in the Time of COVID-19

By Rabbi Renée Bauer

 Jews are a communal people. Revelation came when we all stood at Mt. Sinai together, and our tradition teaches, “Do not separate yourself from the community.” (Pirke Avot 2:5). We only say certain prayers when a minyan is present. We are commanded to visit the si…